Citizens’ Assembly Climate

“Germany, let’s talk” – This is the motto of the Citizens’ Assembly on Climate. 160 randomly selected citizens discuss how Germany can achieve the goals set by the Paris Climate Agreement. What can a climate protection policy look like that is both ambitious and socially acceptable? How far do the citizens want to go? How do we want to live in the future?

Citizens will discuss these questions during twelve sessions from April 26 to June 23, 2021. Within these, participants will listen to presentations given by experts from science, business and civil society. These will examine the topics energy, mobility, buildings and heating as well as nutrition from different perspectives, thereby creating a more balanced foundation for discussion. The recommendations given by the citienzs will then be summarized in a citizens’ report, presented to the public and handed over to policymakers.



The Citizens‘ Assembly on Climate is the third nationwide Citizens‘ Assembly conducted by ifok, preceded by the Citizens’ Assemblies on the topics of democracy and Germany’s role in the world. The Citizens’ Assembly on Climate is carried out in collaboration with the nexus Institute and the Institute for Participatory Design (IPG). The initiators of the Bürgerrat Klima are the association BürgerBegehren Klimaschutz and Scientists for Future. Similar to the previous Citizens’ Assemblies, the Citizens’ Assembly Climate takes place completely digitally.

Project overview

  • Partner :nexus Institute and IPG (Institute for Participative Design)
  • Duration :since January 2021
  • Keyfacts :160 randomly selected citizens
  • 12 digital sessions
  • Patronage by former Federal President Horst Köhler

ifok’s expertise is involved in all steps of the Citizens’ Assembly process

ifok, nexus and the IPG jointly conceptualize and implement the entire process including the development of issues and questions as well as the moderation of plenary sessions and group meetings.  

Furthermore ifok supervises both the scientific board of trustees, which supports the Citizens’ Assembly with its scientific expertise, and the advisory board, in which various stakeholders from business, social and environmental associations accompany the process.

ifok services


Event management


Project management

The goals of the Citizens’Assembly Climate

Ensuring political connectivity by involving politicians and experts in the process at an early stage.

Enabling a more balanced formation of opinion through neutral moderation and experts from different fields. 

Developing concrete recommendations for action that bring German climate policy into line with the Paris climate protection goals and are supported by society. 

Impressions from the sessions

Main presenter Jacob Birkenhäger (ifok) in conversation with Members of Parliament
Top, from left to right: Lorenz Gösta Beutin (Die LINKE), Dr. Anja Weisgerber (CDU/CSU), Klaus Mindrup (SPD); bottom, from left to right: Dr. Lukas Köhler (FDP), Lisa Badum (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen).
The Citizens’ Assembly’s studio, from where the main presenter moderated the plenum.
Behind the scenes at the Citizens’ Assembly Climate.
Former Federal President Horst Köhler is the Citizens’ Assembly’s patron.

Your contact person

Julia Hoffmann

Managing Consultant | Climate and Energy

Phone+49 30 536077-74

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