Devising the mobility of the future together
The mobility sector is in a process of radical change: the range of mobility options and the variety of forms of mobility are growing very rapidly – driven by digitalisation and globalisation. At the same time, demand is growing too, particularly in urban spaces and individual transport. But more traffic also means more need for action in the areas of health, environmental and climate protection. Towns and cities are already gasping with their roads jammed up, while open spaces vanish and the quality of the air hardly improves at all in spite of considerable efforts. In rural areas, by contrast, digitalisation and sharing amenities still need to catch up. And the climate protection targets also continue to be a major challenge.
ifok designs the future of mobility holistically
Opinions differ with regard to the shaping of our future mobility, and the positions of those who hold them are becoming more and more firmly entrenched. Be that as it may, we are convinced that the future of mobility can only be shaped if we all work together. Infrastructure, drive systems and fuels, autonomous vehicles, impacts on society and health, environmental interests – all these issues mesh together and must flow into the discussion in equal measure. That’s why, with our platforms, we aim to get all the protagonists sitting round a single table. We provide space for the exchange of opinions and information. We motivate participants to look beyond the end of their own nose. And we help to produce tangible results. To put it in a nutshell: We are creating a future for mobility that enables us all to be pioneers. Nationally, regionally, and municipally.
Your contact person

Daniel Gaumann
Business Unit Lead | Transport and Mobility
Phone | +49 6251 8263-145 |
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