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We’re always on the lookout
for clever minds.
At ifok, geographers work together with political scientists, graduates in business management ask cultural scholars for their advice, PR pros design concepts together with economic scientists. We learn in the network, and our work is flexible and mobile. Great store is set by individual responsibility here, and again and again, it gives people the chance to develop themselves further at a personal level. Does that sound exciting? It is!
From student apprentice to senior consultant
There are many doors open to you at ifok! We offer the right point of entry for everyone: an introductory course during a period of practical training, a career start as a fellow or trainee, a chance to do something completely new as a project assistant, start over as a consultant or slip straight into a management role as a senior consultant.
All jobs go hand in hand at ifok. Internally, controlling, accounting, office management, IT and the personnel department all help to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Externally, consultants and senior consultants rock our customers’ projects – assisted by project assistants, fellows and student apprentices.
Interested? Please write us an Email with your application at
Every application are screened personally
Training? Studying? Specialist subject? What can you contribute? We’re always on the lookout for unusual people for many different fields of activity. We screen each application personally and also consider applicants for other positions.
The advantages you get at ifok
Chances to develop
From extensive onboarding to internal academy: at ifok we set great store by individual further development. A personal mentor, regular feedback meetings and our annual talent conference all help you along here
Flexible work
Working on the go or from home? No problem! We encourage flexible and trust-based working hours. We allow various different part-time models, parental leave, commitment on an honorary basis and sabbaticals.
Good work deserves appreciation. So we give our employees 30 days’ annual holiday, offer them corporate provision for old age and also express our gratitude after a successful year with a special bonus. Not to forget small gratuities on occasions like jubilees, weddings and births!
We communicate with all our ifox on a regular basis: on our company-wide on-line platforms, in participation formats like ‘ifok denkt ifok’ or via the weekly telephone session with all the employees.
Successes deserve to be celebrated! So all our ifox meet up in the summer for our tried and tested mixture of convention and party. And when the year is drawing to a close, we drink to successful performance at our Christmas get-together.
Fruits & beverages
We look after our ifox on a physical level too: in all ifok offices we provide fresh fruit, various hot drinks, water and sweet snacks free for our employees.
Your contact person

Martina Goddard
Member of the Management Board | Head of HR
Phone | +49 6251 8263-138 |
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